What’s our story? Well…

I'm the proud leader of our sales on performance agency full of impressive, talented people.

8-figure business owners, influencers, NYT best-selling authors have come to us to build their brands, multiply their sales, and craft irresistible offers their audience can’t say ‘no’ to.

We’ve worked with some of the top authorities in their respected industry, granting us the opportunity to spearhead hundreds of customer acquisition campaigns, sales funnel promotions and launches.

Here’s a handful of things we’ve done that could raise your spirits to listen to me further…


🛎Added over $1,7M to a client’s business in 16 months.

🛎Engineered the launch of an online hyper-authority which generated upwards of $250,000 in a couple of weeks.

🛎Crafted campaigns for a health influencer that 2x’ed sales in ice-cold traffic.

🛎Advised sever & eight-figure+ business owners consulting them on their marketing.

🛎Have been hired by some of the biggest influencers online, from nutrition experts to best-selling authors and produced multiple millions in new found revenue.

It wasn’t always this way, though…

Because when I started out, I was a professional drug dealer.

That’s right.

I graduated from university with a degree in Pharmacy.

But I wasn’t too keen on being crammed behind bottles, pills and powders, so I ventured.

Something irked me…

So I got a Masters degree in Business & Marketing and dove head-first reading hundreds of marketing books, buying dozens of courses and analyzing thousands of marketing campaigns and ads.

Then, I started to execute...

My first official project was with an international Arts & Entertainment startup that was trying to get traction at the time.

Of course, everyone thought that this new ‘experiment’ of mine would hit the bottom in a few months…

… yet we managed to grow an audience of thousands in a few short months, allowing the startup to get off the ground and host worldwide tours.

A few innovative ideas, the right messaging and a compelling offer drew people in like never before.

It blew my mind.

Armed with my newly discovered passion for ethical marketing, fun copywriting, and authentic sales, I went all-in, and dedicated myself to mastering the craft.

From there, I started to build my track record of wins, turned into a copywriter, then one of the top sales reps in the companies I worked with…and the rest… is history.

Okay, so why does any of this matter to you?

You might find a lot of value from us if you…

  • Need done-for-you help with your messaging, sales and offers from proven experts.

  • Want to offload the product launches and sales calls so you can work ON your business, instead of webinars, sales calls and writing copy.

  • Feel a bit lost and confused as to how to sell to your audience and increase your revenue without burning them out with sleazy, salesy copy, bloated, hypey marketing and pushy sales.

So if you’re nodding your head to any of the above…

You’re in the right place.

…or just dive in my marketing rabbithole here.